Brother QL-820NWB Printer Setup Visitor Registration

Brother QL-820NWB Printer Setup

InstaCheckin Visitor Registration solution supports printing visitor badges instantly after their check-ins. Printing the visitor badges for your visitors serves as an easy way to identify visitors to your facilities and also make sure that such visitors are accompanied by employees, while on campus if required by your security policies. This article covers the setup instructions for Brother QL-820NWB printer with InstaCheckin Visitor Registration solution.

Supported Visitor Badge Printers

InstaCheckin supports the following visitor badge printers, currently.

  • Brother QL-820NWB
  • Brother QL-810W
  • Brother QL-720NW

This list of supported printers is constantly updated with the release of new printer models.

The following article describes configuring the Brother QL-820NWB printer with InstaCheckin. However, the steps for other supported printers are quite similar.

Setting up the Brother QL-820NWB printer with InstaCheckin has 2 main steps as below:

  1. Configure and connect the Brother QL-820NWB printer to your network
  2. Specify the IP address of the Brother QL-820NWB printer in InstaCheckin web dashboard


Install Brother QL-820NWB Drivers and Printer Setting Tool

Download the Driver Software

Open your browser and type “” and hit enter. This will take you to the brother website to download the setup software. Download the correct version depending on your operating system. This article will cover the setup process using Windows version.

Brother QL-820NWB Printer Setup Visitor Registration

Install the Driver Software on Windows PC

Follow the prompts to install the driver and related software on your Windows PC. Following are the screenshots to help you follow along.

At this point, connect the printer using the provided USB cable to your computer.

Click “Auto Select” to let the software automatically select the printer attached to the computer.

Brother QL-820NWB Printer Setup Visitor Registration

Select the right printer and click “OK”

Brother QL-820NWB Printer Setup Visitor Registration

Please make sure to select the “Printer Setting Tool” as you will be using this tool to change the configuration settings of the printer in a later step.

Brother QL-820NWB Printer Setup Visitor Registration

Continue with the setup wizard until you see the following screen. Then select the “Local Connection (USB)” option and click next.

Brother QL-820NWB Printer Setup Visitor Registration


Brother QL-820NWB Printer Setup Visitor Registration

Follow the prompts to complete the software installation for the printer driver and related software.

Configure QL-820NWB printer to connect to network

For connecting the printer to your network, there are a couple of options:

  1. Wireless network setup
  2. Wired network setup

The Wired network setup is quite easy. You just need to connect the network cable directly to the ethernet port on the back of the printer and find out it’s IP address. This IP address can later be configured in the InstaCheckin web dashboard.

In this article, we will cover the wireless setup. Once the required driver and related software are installed, launch the “Printer Setting Tool” on your computer. This tool will help you configure the printer and connect it to your network.

Once you launch the tool, select “Communication Settings”

Navigate to the “Wireless LAN” tab and specify the network settings for the wireless network that you want to connect to:

Once you Apply the settings, the printer will restart. Then navigate to “Wireless LAN” tab and click on “Current Status” in the tree view on the left-hand side. This will display the current network status of the printer. Note down the IP address information, you will need this in the next step.

Add the Brother QL-820NWB printer in InstaCheckin web dashboard

Once the printer is connected to the network, log in to InstaCheckin Web Dashboard and navigate to Kiosk Settings > Visitor Badge.

Select the “Print Visitor Badge” checkbox and enter the IP address (e.g. in the Badge Printer IP Address box and save the changes. Now, you are ready to start printing visitor badges for your visitors. Perform and test check-in from the InstaCheckin iPad app and verfiy that a visitor badge is printed.

Brother QL-820NWB Printer Setup Visitor Registration


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