How To Find WiFi IP Address of Brother QL-820NWB Label Printer?

You can easily find the WiFi IP address of the Brother QL-820 NWB Label printer using the following 4 simple steps.

Only For WiFi IP address

Please note that this method works only for finding the WiFi IP address of the printer. If you have connected the printer using a wired ethernet cable, please follow these instructions.

1. Press the Menu button and the down arrow button to go to “WLAN” settings

Brother QL-820NWB WiFi IP Address

2. Press the Up arrow button to go to “WLAN Status” and press the OK button

Brother QL-820NWB WiFi IP Address

3. Select “Infrastructure Mode” and press OK

Brother QL-820NWB WiFi IP Address

4. Note the IP address as shown below

Brother QL-820NWB WiFi IP Address


Once you have the IP address of the label printer, you can enable visitor badge printing so that when visitors check-in their name tags are printed automatically.



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