Simplify Visitor Sign-In Experience With The Best Visitor Registration App on iPad
Goodbye Paper Sign-in Sheets
It’s time to save trees and go green! Say goodbye to age-old paper sign-in sheets and say hello to the future. Our digital visitor sign-in solution helps to protect the confidential visitor information. It also provides the privacy of data for your visitors by hiding their information from prying eyes at your reception. Have all the visitor logs available at your fingertips and effortlessly search through those.

The Best Visitor Registration App on iPad
InstaCheckin iPad app is the best in class visitor registration app providing an intuitive and delightful sign-in experience for your visitors. The ease of use of our app makes it delightfully easy for visitors from all walks of life to use the app. A visitor experience starts with an equally great first sign-in experience. And InstaCheckin empowers you to make that best first impression on your visitors with a professional and efficient sign-in solution.

Web-based Visitor Management Solution
InstaCheckin service is a completely web-based visitor management solution. There are no servers to install or databases to manage. The visitor management solution is completely delivered over the web as a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service). The web-based visitor solution significantly reduces the management overhead our solution enabling to it be in a fully auto-pilot mode. We do the heavy lifting of managing and running your visitor registration and management solution 24/7. The SaaS approach also enables us to deliver rapid innovations to our customers to fit their specific requirements.

Visitor Analytics
Understand visitor analytics with previous visitor data, know whom they are visiting frequently, visits nature, visitor types and much more. Many such reports come built-in with InstaCheckin. We also support creating custom reports to help you derive the insights that you want.